Are You Ready to Become a Super Psychic of the New World Awakening?
Are You Ready to Harness the Power of Heaven?
Time is Running Out for our Species due to Human Incomprehension & Error.
The Time to Act is NOW.
It is Time to Save Ourselves!
What is Holy Magick?
1) Holy Magick is a Ritualistic, Intuitive Healing Modality That Focuses on Inner Growth to Create Massive Individual and Social Change.
2) Holy Magick is Built on Divine Law, Which is Reflected in the Established Tenets of Psychology, Spirituality, & Science.
3) Holy Magick is Steeped in Christ Consciousness, Protective Power, and the Wisdom of the Ages.
How can You Benefit From Holy Magick?
1) Holy Magick Provides You With Utmost Confidence by Giving You A Proactive Process that Provides You With a Consistent, Palpable Connection to the Source of all Wisdom and Benevolence.
2) Holy Magick Heightens & Develops Your Intuition Fast.
3) Holy Magick Provides You With a Total of Twenty-One Applicable Benefits.
How is Holy Magick Different?
1) Holy Magick is a Proactive Practice That Contains No Dangerous Dogma or Shame Because it Based on Divine Law.
2) Holy Magick is a Powerful Tool for Soul Ascension Built on Knowledge That is Thousands of Years Old.
3) Holy Magick has Built In Safety Protocols to Eliminate Erroneous Egocentric Assumptions & Their Manifestations.
Intuitive Reading Testimonials:
“Wow! So helpful! Wow! Oh my God, I have been slowly digesting this because it’s so intense and I kinda have to. But it is so spot on I can’t even tell you. Everything from being busy with lots of hobbies and how I feel in spaces with other people and in relation to other people, how I can be judgmental but at the same time be very open to people. Knowing right and wrong and wanting to tell people right and wrong and being conflicted about doing so. And you were so spot on about the food thing. You completely nailed it and it makes so much sense! I love having the context! I am just super grateful! You really have an amazing gift for this! ” ~Lauren Attard
“I just read my full reading from Deana. Can I just say that my mind is blown?!!! Everything was spot on! I resonated with it a lot!! I now know the names of some of my spirit guides that I’ve been totally aware of but just wasn’t sure who they were and now I know! I also learned some things that tie in from my childhood and things I was personally interested in wound up having a lot of meaning behind them!! Now I’m even more curious and intrigued to dig even deeper to learn even more. I got meaning in every single thing you have gone over with me and shared with me! I resonate with all of it 100%!! Thank you so much Deana! This is a wonderful experience!” ~Kendra Mode
“Deana is a very amazing soul. Incredibly gifted. She pinpointed exact details on my spiritual journey. For example, my spirit guides. She knew the exact number that I too have known I have. The love and work she puts into the world is a true gift. She is more than trusted. As one who is very cautious with whom I allow into my life, I can say she is a very trustworthy soul. I know she has had my greatest good at heart. I feel like I truly am ready to move forward with the information and truth she provided me with. Thank you, Deana, for all that you have done.” ~Avonna Constantin
Because Holy Magick for Massive Intuitive Development is Divinely Inspired, You Will Experience the Following Incredible Benefits As You Learn What Holy Magick is, how to Utilize it Appropriately, and Develop Accurate Intuition:
1. You Will Develop Excellent Intuition on Tap.
2. You Will Develop Admirable Spiritual Discernment That Consistently Guides you in Every Instance.
3. You Will Have the Ability to Neutralize Rejection Because You Will see it Coming.
4. You Will Know how to Transmute and Sidestep Stress.
5. You Will Develop Utmost Confidence.
6. You Will Establish Great Faith and no Fear.
7. You Will Have Amazing Manifesting Ability.
8. You Will Be Able to Heal Your Reparative Relationships & Know When to Step Away When the Other Party is Not Willing to Help you Change the Negative Energetic Dynamic.
9. You will Have the Capacity to Heal Your own Woundedness.
10. You Will Develop Higher Mental Intelligence.
11. You Will Have Greater Emotional Intelligence.
12. You Will Have Heightened Artistic Ability.
13. You Will Have Reduced Word Confusion.
14. You Will Have the Ability to Sidestep & Neutralize Negativity.
15. You Will Have Greater Compassion & Understanding of the Human Condition.
16. You Will Develop Greater Body Awareness.
17. You Will Be Able to Easily Create Complete Worldly Autonomy.
18. You Will no Longer Fear Death.
19. You Will Have a Much Deeper Comprehension of the Meaning of Life.
20. You Will Finally Comprehend Your Very Valuable Place in Life.
21. You Will Experience Rapid Soul Ascension.
Why Holy Magick is Needed NOW:
1) If You Are Paying Any Attention at All, You Cannot Help But Notice the World Self-Destructing at an Alarming Rate All Around Us. Murder, Greed, War, Pollution, Degradation, & Climate Catastrophes of Fires, Water Contamination, Earthquakes & Floods Are Continual Now. All Threaten the Survival of Our Species. The Destruction is Ramping up as the Results of Our Collective Irresponsible Lack of Regard for Life. Not Only That, But More is Flowing to us Through the Buffer of Time That has yet to Arrive in This Dimension. We are Self Annihilating our Species at an Alarming Rate. We MUST Energetically Proactively act on the Behalf of all.
2) Holy Magick is a Very Powerful Way to Energetically Reverse the Personal & Collective Damage we Have Unconsciously Created Through our Misuse of Divine Law. Holy Magick Teaches You how to Manifest Appropriately & Effectively.
3) Holy Magick Through Massive Intuitive Development Teaches You how to Accurately Create Massive Intuitive Ability so That you Know the Accurate Answer & Course of Action Every Time. Utilize Your Free Will In Conscious Creation With our Great Creator. Holy Magick Teaches Responsible Application of Divine Law by Making High Magick Completely Safe and Free From Manifesting Errors. You Have the Power to Consciously Mold a Beautiful Existence in Every way as You Help Energetically Turn the Tide of Destruction to Save Our Species.
Take a 10 Week Intuitive Intensive, Holy Magick for Massive Intuitive Development ©, By the Creator of Holy Magick ©
Learn How to Expand & Utilize Your Intuition to Enrich and Empower Yourself, Those You Love, & the Collective of Humanity. This Class is for You if You Want to Develop Accurate, Targeted Intuition on tap Right Away. Holy Magick for Massive Intuitive Development Teaches You How Through a 10 Week Intensive With Support Throughout & A Growing Honorable Community of Super Psychics of the New World Awakening. You Also Receive 3 Concise Bonus Classes and Certification as a Super Psychic of the New World Awakening Upon Completion of the Course Work.
The Book / Holy Magick
Holy Magick, the book, is the first of the Holy Magickal Series. It Teaches Divine Law & Ritualistic Application so That You Understand Specifically not Only why the World is Such a Mess but how to do Your Part to Fix it. It Will Take Many of Us to Flip the Unconscious Miscreation That Has us Fighting for our Lives. But, not as Many as you Might Imagine Simply of our Ability to Harness the Persuasive Pull of Quantum Entanglement for the Greater Good. Because God is the Most Powerful Source of Energy on the Planet and Holy Magick Utilizes God’s Power Directly, it is Infinite in its Scope. Pulling the Power of Heaven is a Heady Experience That Will Teach you to Step Into Your Power in Each Area of Your Life with Utmost Accuracy While Also Energetically Creating a Planet That Flourishes. This book Took 18 Years of Research to Write & Utilizes Reawakened Cellular Memory of 29 Previous Lifetimes in Service to God, with this Lifetime being the 30th. Many are Suffering Physically, Emotionally, Mentally & Financially. The Book is a Wonderful way for All to Utilize Holy Magick©, Especially Those That are Still Struggling. It is Available Through Barnes & Noble Press Online in the United States.